What if homework and grades are causing anxiety? - Christian Family Solutions

What if homework and grades are causing anxiety?


Shem Biebert, LPC-IT, SAC-IT, School Based Therapist and Student Support Coordinator, Christian Family Solutions


Great question and one that’s very common for many students. I also realize that anxiety is not fun to deal with.

First off, I’d like to look at this from a strengths-based perspective, borrowing a technique from Dr. David Burns and his book Feeling Great (Burns, 2020). Let’s ask the question, What does this anxiety tell us about the student that is awesome and says some cool things about them?

Well, anxiety about homework and grades tells me this student cares about their work and how they do, which tells me they have high expectations and standards. The anxiety also seems to show us that the student is driven, dedicated, and wants to do well. Seeing these strengths may help take some of the edge off by showing that not all anxiety is bad. In fact, mild amounts of stress and anxiety can often motivate us and get us ready to perform a needed task.

I would then suggest looking at barriers to success. Are there any additional factors are getting in the way of completing homework as needed? Does the student need additional support in some way? Tutoring, connecting with teachers, or other support may help a student complete more difficult assignments as needed. We could also look at study habits and see if any changes could be made there to maximize study time.

If a student is getting unrealistic or unhealthy expectations from themselves or others, he or she may need to reframe the situation. In other words, view the situation differently. Perhaps the expectations are not realistic. Perhaps you might realize that you are giving your best effort and can feel content and at peace that you are using all of your God-given ability. After all, God’s opinion on this is much more important than the opinions of our families, friends or even ourselves (reference Colossians 3:23, 1 Thessalonians 2:4b).

In that light, some healthy coping skills can usually be helpful to manage the higher stress levels that school can bring.


  • Be sure you are framing the situation correctly.
  • Learn and practice deep breathing techniques.
  • Get outside for a break or exercise.
  • Talk with peers or trusted friends.
  • Review your sleep and nutrition patterns.


Finally, I love this suggestion by Paul in Philippians 4 to not worry about things but instead talk to God and let him know what you need while sharing what you’re grateful for (v 6-7). When we do that, Paul says, “God’s peace” will guard our thoughts and emotions. What an incredible promise!


These answers aren’t comprehensive … They are a start. If you or someone you know needs counseling please call Christian Family Solutions Counseling Care & Services at 800-438-1772.

If you are experiencing a health emergency of any kind, please dial 911.

If you are having suicidal thoughts or know someone who is, call or text the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988.